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Koha displayed on a laptop

Release of Koha 22.11

The Catalyst Koha team is delighted to join the Koha community in celebrating the release of Koha 22.11 Rosalie. This release contains 13 new features, 351 enhancements, 554 bug and security fixes.

A cartoon illustration of a person wearing a blue shirt and black trousers wearing headphones and a virtual reality headset standing side on looking at a screen.

Open source and virtual reality

During the last two Catathon days at Catalyst I hosted a virtual reality event, giving people an opportunity to experience virtual reality (VR) for the first time.

Logo for Create. Share. Engage podcast on a green background. Tagline reads Portfolio for learning and more.

Sharing portfolio stories with the world

The Mahara Project Team is excited to announce its podcast 'Create. Share. Engage.' which is dedicated to showcasing practises around portfolios for learning and more.