Top 10 benefits of ePortfolios

Learning is a matter of gathering knowledge; wisdom is applying the knowledge. But, there’s a step in-between that needs factoring in, too. That step is reflection and it’s at the centre of teaching and learning. Reflection lets learners connect what, how, and why they learned something. Basically, it helps learners make sense of information in a way that's personal to them. Consequently, this also makes the curriculum more meaningful. EPortfolios provide a structure for reflection, but their benefits don’t stop there. In fact, there are many benefits of ePortfolios. We've listed 10 of them below.

The benefits of ePortfolios

Learner-centred experience

EPortfolios empower learners to take control of their educational journey. They can create, collect, curate, converse, and connect better with their learning experiences. Additionally, they can create personalised narratives to reflect their growth and achievements. Ultimately, this fosters a sense of ownership and self-direction.

Centralised content management

Collecting and curating evidence are not the same. For example, learners may spend time collecting lots of evidence, also called 'artefacts'. However, they need to spend time selecting, or curating, which items to showcase. This will depend on the goal at hand. For example, applying for a job, demonstrating competency, or displaying coursework. So, a platform with a good content management system makes it easier for learners to find and organise their evidence.

Flexibility in portfolio creation

Next, good ePortfolio platforms enable learners to showcase their learning in diverse ways. Using Mahara as an example, learners can:

  • create a portfolio to document and reflect on their learning
  • use a portfolio to fulfill an assessment task
  • communicate with internship mentors and academic advisors on a portfolio dedicated to their
  • work-integrated learning experience
  • present their best work and achievements in a showcase portfolio they use to apply for a job
  • track their professional development and reflect on it in a professional certification portfolio.

Reflective learning

As we mentioned in the intro to this blog post, a key aspect of learning is the ability to reflect. One of the biggest benefits of ePortfolios is it provides dedicated space for this.

ePortfolio features supporting reflection include:

A portfolio with these basic functionalities will undeniably enhance your learner reflection practices.
Scaffolded portfolio creation

Sometimes, getting used to a new tool or practice whilst also learning new skills can be a challenge. So, offering predefined ePortfolio templates for learners to use, means they can create their portfolios knowing what the minimum requirements are. This scaffolding can be reduced over time as learners become more used to creating their own portfolios.

Privacy controls

Another benefit of ePortfolio platforms is a good selection of privacy controls. For example, keeping portfolios private, inviting others to view them, or sharing portfolios publicly. The learner has the power to decide when and with whom they want to share their work. It empowers learners to share a specific part of their digital identity only when they are ready to do so with the audience that they want.

Collaborative learning

Portfolios are personal, but they don’t always need to be solitary projects. In fact, platforms like Mahara support individual and group portfolio creation. Evidencing and reflecting on shared educational experiences is as equally important as individual achievements. EPortfolios created as collaborative projects can also provide professional evidence for teamwork and associated skills.

Offline collection capabilities

Next, the ability to use an ePortfolio both on and offline can be a huge help to learners. Perhaps they don’t have internet access at home, or they like to reflect on their bus commute home but don’t have mobile data. Regardless of when and where a learner is, an internet connection shouldn’t be a blocker to progress. So, ePortfolios with offline access ensure learners capture what they need when they desire. Then, when they have internet access, they simply synchronise their offline files with their online portfolio space. For Mahara, Mahara Mobile(external link) offers offline evidence collection.

Freedom to customise

From the URL to theming, language preferences, and available features, customisation is one of the benefits of a portfolio platform that offers flexibility for your organisation. But, it may surprise you to hear not all ePortfolio platforms offer a huge range of customisations. That’s why using an open source ePortfolio like Mahara is so beneficial. Due to its open source nature, you can customise and integrate to your heart's content. If you’re unfamiliar with open source, don’t worry. There are plenty of community forums and expert support you can tap into.

Community engagement

Specifically for organisations using Mahara, the global community they’re welcomed into is an added bonus. The community provides a space for educators to:

  • interact
  • exchange ideas
  • share experiences
  • contribute to the ongoing development of Mahara.

Plus, by participating in community events and discussions, educators help shape ePortfolio practice for the future.

Want to learn more about ePortfolios?

Here are a few helpful links to get you started:

We created this guide to ePortfolios to help answer a few common questions about ePortfolios. So if, you’re on the cusp of a new educational tool make sure to check it out.

Or, if you’re ready to try a new ePortfolio platform, try the free demo version of Mahara.(external link)

Still have any questions about ePortfolios? You could also check out the community forums(external link) for similar questions.

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