Want an agile workforce? Choose an integrated platform

In their 2020 Global Talent Trends Report, Mercer found that nearly 100% of business(external link) and HR leaders are actively preparing for potential changes in the workplace. And, in the PwC’s 2020 HR Technology Survey(external link) of over 500 HR leaders, 80% reported that developing ‘change agility’ is now a key priority.

Recent seismic levels of disruption triggered by COVID-19 have forced us all to ask ourselves: “How do we prepare today, to succeed and adapt to tomorrow’s disruptive changes?” It’s obvious that organisational adaptability is front of mind right now. But where are leaders allocating resources to become more ‘change agile’? 74% of surveyed leaders aim to invest in technology that improves their organisation’s overall talent experience. This includes technology that:

  • Develops the potential and skills of employees

  • Contributes to an enjoyable employee experience

  • Nurtures a collaborative, learning-rich work environment

Investing in talent experience technology is an excellent step in the right direction. If, however, HR and learning and development simply resort to procuring more technology, they merely fuel a long-standing problem plaguing the world of HR and people development…

‘HR tech overload’

To attract and nurture top-tier talent, HR and L&D departments are investing in their employer brand value proposition. They are now experimenting with new performance management processes, training methods and approaches to employee engagement. Naturally, these new practices require a plethora of new tech. And, for most organisations, this demand for tech has led to ‘HR tech overload’ - a collection of complicated and siloed systems that harm, instead of help, change agility. This is especially true for learning, collaboration and performance management systems - all of which are critical to organisational output. Today, if they have them at all, most organisations are stuck with a proprietary:

  1. Learning management system - that fails to connect organisational objectives with employee learning goals. This breeds poor change agility because training carries little relevance to actual ‘real-world’ job roles and future skills gaps.

  2. Performance management system - that fails to facilitate frequent employee feedback and connect employee ambitions with the overall corporate mission. Such a system fails to align and motivate the workforce and is bound to buckle under the pressures of rapid change.

  3. Engagement/communication system - that enables basic communication, but fails to encourage collaboration and engagement. One-sided communication and learning aren’t enough to engage employees who favour mentors over bosses, prioritise a sense of purpose over their paycheque, and desire a fulfilling work experience.

These disjointed systems diminish the ROI you get from all of your HR and L&D tech, both existing and new. This is because siloed technology slows down and separates your people and their unique processes; your organisation becomes burdened by systems that should communicate and complement each other, but don’t.

The solution to HR tech overload: integrated platforms

If you have separate learning, engagement/communication and performance management systems, here are some of the struggles your organisation faces:

  • IT and admin departments are more likely to encounter technical issues and struggle to resolve them. Can you imagine how tough (and expensive) it would be to customise, connect or correct three non-integrating systems from three different vendors?

  • Departments become disconnected. Separate, non-integrating systems prevent departments across your organisation from working together. Management might know that better training improves engagement, but they can’t prove or show that to HR because of their disparate systems. This, in turn, places extra pressure on L&D, who are now unable to determine the skills that employees need for the uncertain future.

The result of succumbing to HR tech overload is a scrambling, disconnected workplace that’s vulnerable (instead of adaptable) to change. So what’s the solution?  Tight integration between all critical drivers of modern workplace performance - learning, collaboration and performance management - must work as one system, in a technical and operational sense.

Future-proof your workforce with the Totara Talent Experience Platform

Totara has built the Totara Talent Experience Platform to unite all the talent experience technology you need under one solution. Say goodbye to non-friendly systems that hinder your productivity and unlock the ability to adapt! Comprising three systems that are powerful on their own, but transformational when used together, Totara’s Talent Experience Platform helps you build a better workplace, increase change agility and prosper in today’s uncertain world. It unites:

  1. Totara Learn is the flexible LMS trusted by millions of learners and favoured by companies worldwide (like New Zealand Customs(external link) and Humanitarian Leadership Academy(external link)) to deliver transformational learning.

  2. Totara Engage - the new learning experience platform (LXP) built to engage, unite and upskill your workforce.

  3. Totara Perform - the performance management system with organisational control and continuous performance management at its core.

Together, these essential systems (that integrate with your current HCM and L&D tech) create a central talent experience platform to break down internal barriers and improve every aspect of your employee-employer experience. Contact us to request a demo.

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