Moodle project ACE wins international student success award

Catalyst is honoured to have worked in collaboration with the University of Canterbury on this positive and important tool, and is thrilled to see ACE recognised and celebrated with this award.

Catalyst is delighted to congratulate the University of Canterbury on winning the Improving Student Success award at the international 2021 CAUDIT Awards last week.

The innovative Analytics for Course Engagement (ACE) is a monitoring system that uses Moodle and AI (artificial intelligence) to help staff and students keep an eye on engagement levels with study. The early intervention means the University can proactively monitor and connect with first-year students who may be at risk of disengaging with their studies and provide the appropriate support. Students can also use ACE view their own engagement levels compared to their peers.

Tumu Tuarua Akoranga | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Professor Catherine Moran says ACE takes the University’s student support to a new level.

“ACE helps us to ensure that all first-year students transitioning into tertiary study at UC get the assistance they need, especially those who may not come forward and seek help.

“The University can proactively identify when students begin to disengage, make contact with them early on, and ensure they have the support to get on the right path to success,” Professor Moran says.

Catalyst is proud to have developed this solution for the University’s Student Success programme, Kia Angitu, using Moodle, the world’s most popular learning management system, along with machine learning technology TensorFlow. With the increase in online learning due to Covid-19, ACE has already made a significant difference. Students identified as being at-risk of disengaging received guidance and support to continue their studies.

“This development is a game changer and allows a far more holistic consideration of a student’s engagement,” says Paul Stevens, GM Open Knowledge, Catalyst IT.

CAUDIT (the Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology) supports Australasian universities in leading the application of digital capabilities to transform education and research.

Catalyst is honoured to have worked in collaboration with the University of Canterbury on this positive and important tool, and is thrilled to see ACE recognised and celebrated with this award.

View more information about ACE here(external link).


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