Mahara 23.04: Outcomes portfolio and submission for assessment

This blog post is your introductory guide to ePortfolios and how they enrich learning through reflection.

The Catalyst team released Mahara 23.04(external link) at the end of April 2023. This release of the open source portfolio platform comes with two major changes and numerous usability improvements.

Mahara 23.04 release video

Together with Wiltshire College and University Centre in the UK, Catalyst developed the outcomes portfolio suite of features. It makes it possible for colleges working with education, health, and care plans (EHCP) to use a more structured portfolio approach for students with special education needs. A detailed walk-through shows how to set up outcomes portfolios and use them(external link).

Carleton University in Canada funded the work to change the submission workflow in Mahara. Copies of portfolios instead of original portfolios are submitted, giving students more flexibility to continue to develop their portfolios while the copies are being assessed. This process helps in particular organisations connecting Mahara to a learning management system other than Moodle via LTI Advantage.

Catalyst has been the primary development company of Mahara since 2006. Together with clients and community contributors, new features are added to the software to enable a diverse range of organisations to use electronic portfolios from school to the workplace.

Watch the feature release video(external link) for a quick overview of highlighted new features and contact us if you'd like to discuss how portfolios can fit into your organisation's learning ecosystem and see Mahara in action.

To stay up to date on all things Mahara and portfolios, subscribe to our monthly Mahara newsletter(external link) which is published every first Wednesday of the month.

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