New Zealand’s newest Koha library: Kolovai Library Tonga

In October 2019, Tonga opened its first-ever public library in the village of Kolovai. When Catalyst representatives met the woman behind this project, they were very happy to sponsor Kolovai Library Tonga(external link) through a hosted Koha installation free of charge for the next five years.

When Tonga experienced its worst storm in years due to Cyclone Gita, Kahoa and Brendon Corbett saw that schools were in need of books. This inspired their effort to source, collect and ship books across to Kolovai.

The beginning of the Kolovai Library Tonga

On one of their trips home to Tonga, Kahoa noticed an unused fale in the village and took the opportunity to ask about using it for a library. They were able to send their first shipment to Tonga in May 2018 thanks to the assistance of their local New Zealand library. Since then, the library collection has grown to include over 20,000 items and has received donations in the form of laptops, bikes for hire, paint, and hands-on help from members of the local community.

Kahoa notes, “It was a tough job collecting books in the last 19 months, juggling with helping babysit our six mokopuna, and working full time, but I was so determined to make it happen – to have the library started and up and running for the community.”

With plans to meet with government officials, Kahoa is already looking to extend library services to Nuku’alofa next year with a second branch. “We already have enough books shipped over and they are currently stored in our family home.”

Kathryn Tyree, Project and Account Manager at Catalyst, met Kahoa Corbett at the 2019 LIANZA conference in Manukau. Inspired by Kahoa’s drive, they discussed the suitability of Koha as the library management system to support the volunteer-led effort to bring public library services to Tonga. Kathryn notes, “I am so thrilled we could do this for their project. I have so much admiration for what they have achieved.”

Donate to the Kolovai Library Tonga

Kolovai Library Tonga is accepting donations. All received funds and items will contribute to the ongoing development and maintenance of collections and building.

Bank account name: Kolovai Community Public Library
Bank account number: ANZ BANK 1935024

Postal address: PO Box 1118 Nuku'alofa, Tongatapu, Tonga Island


Kolovai, with a population of approximately 4,267 people, is a village on the Tongan island of Tongatapu. Situated approximately 18km west of Nuku’alofa, Kolovai is home to a colony of flying foxes, the traditional lakalaka dance of Tonga, and the koka tree which is said to be where Tu’i Kanokupolu title (recognised ruler) would be conferred.

Koha library management system

The Koha community supports free and open source library management software for approximately 15,000 libraries worldwide and has been translated into more than 40 languages, including te reo Māori. Catalyst IT has a dedicated Koha team that implements and supports Koha for libraries in Aotearoa and contributes their expertise to the global Koha community project and development team. Contact us for support with your Koha.

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